Operation Christmas Child

Morning Star 2024 OCC  

Hello Morning Star family, we are providing a month-by-month detailed list and suggestions of items to purchase & donate for our OPERATION CHRISTMAS CHILD: 2024 OCC church packing party 🙏 🎁 🙏🏾 in the fall.

We need to start collecting throughout the year until November – if you see anything that would be appropriate or on sale, you may start bringing it in to church or alert Paola Gagliardi (by text) of good deals and sales.  Since we are starting in April let’s not forget cover the needs for the past months as well.

Thank you in advance for your loving unwavering continued support of this international children evangelization project so dear to many of us 🙏🎁🙏🏾

Suggestions of Items to collect for our Church’s OCC packing party.

Please read and refer back to the entire list (these are only suggestions).  If you find sales of appropriate items listed under a different month, no problem, just bring them in.


Small toys, plush toys


Small toys, plush toys


Craft kits, sewing kits, small games


Boy & Girl activity toys, jump ropes, dolls


Hygiene items

Deodorant, soap, floss, combs, brushes wash cloths, toothbrushes (NO toothpaste, please)


Clothing Socks, tank tops, t-shirts, shorts, pants, underwear, shoes


caps, coloring books, harmonicas, small balls, yo-yos, toy cars


School supplies, crayons

Glue sticks, child safe scissors, pencils, erasers, pencil sharpeners


Flip flops, sandals, shoes


Hats & gloves

miscellaneous items to add to the rest of the collection months.


Monetary Donations

$10 needed for shipping each shoebox.


Let’s fill 200 or more boxes at our 2024 packing party!


Blessings 🙏 🎁 🙏🏾

Dedication Sunday (2023)




Packing Party (2022)                                                                                                                     20 Years of Service

Dedication Sunday (2022)